

Lands of SLSPC

  1. Purchased By SLSPC
  2. Government owned
  3. Vested by the Land Reform Commission

Presently we are managing fourteen plantations which are purchased by Sri Lanka State Plantation as well as vested by Land Reform Commission

  1. Rangalla S.P - 755.87 Ha
  2. Midland S.P - 470.67 Ha
  3. Nicholoya S.P –301.61 Ha
  4. Opalgalle S.P – 97.15 Ha
  5. Goomera S.P – 181.78 Ha
  6. Kalabokka S.P - 905.54 Ha
  7. Allakolla S.P – 393.52 Ha
  8. Cottaganga S.P–354.25Ha
  9. Galphella S.P – 611.82Ha
  10. Hagalla S.P – 187.41 Ha
  11. Harepark S.P – 175.27 Ha
  12. Hunnasgiriya S.P–408.90 Ha
  13. Woodside S.P - 717.54 Ha
  14. Walahanduwa S.P – 401 Ha
  15. Waithalawa S.P – 175.43 Ha


Estate Name Manager Contact No
Allakoala S.P Mr. Y.A.T.B.Wadugodapitiya 0815-634900
Cottaganga S.P Mr S.Y.Liyanage 0815-634905
Galphella S.P Mr.T.M.P.G.I.Tennakoon 0815-634906
Goomera S.P Mr.R.A.M.Dayarathne 0815-634907
Hagala S.P Mr.T.R.H.Hewage 0815-634908
Harepark S.P Mr.K.D.M.P.Weerasinghe 0815-634909
Hunnasgiriya S.P Mr.R.A.R.M.Ranawake 0815-634910
Kelabokka S.P Mr.P.I.L.Perera 0815-634911
Midland S.P Mr.W.T.K.Samarathunga 066-5679800
Nicholaya S.P Mr.S.S.M.Dissanayke 066-5650311
Rangala S.P Mr.A.C.Abeywarne 0815-634904
Opalgala SP Mr.G.W.G.Wijerathne 066-5679802
Waithalawa S.P Mr.D.W.T.C.Danthasinghe 0815-525002
Walahanduwa S.P Mr.I.W.R.Jayawardena 0915-634900
Wiharagala S.P Mr.G.K.R.B.Kiriella 0575-100070
Woodside S.P Mr.M.M.C.B.Ehalamalpe 0815-102288

Leasing of land on joint venture basis

Economical land and bare lands are proposed to be utilized over the next four years for activities. Such as: cultivating, vegetables, fruit varieties, dairy farming, and poultry farming. A proposed activity has to be prepared on yearly basis and the progress of each activity has to be analyzed at the end of year.

Regional Plantations companies

Under the Government policy 22 Regional plantation companies have been established and No's 224 plantations are managed by them.

Leased out Lands

In addition to the Tea cultivation, selected lands of some plantations, leased out for Install to Transmission Towers, Properties & silent factories for various agricultural business and diversification.

  • Transmission Tower
  • Buildings
  • Lands
Allocation of lands for workers

  • 7 Purchase
  • 10 Purchase
    This is a Government concept calling “Haritha Bumi” allocating 7 purchase of land for plantations’ workers. And 10 purchase for staff members
  • Allocation of Land
    The allocation of 07 perches uneconomical land or bare land to be distributed amongst the plantation community at the rate of 07 purchases per worker family, for construction of houses.
    At the rate of 10 perches per staff members, for appreciation of their service and allocated each staff who complete more than five years’ service period.

Contact Us

No. 21, Miraneeya Street,
Colombo 12,
Sri Lanka
Telephone : 011 5757539
Fax : 011 2438635
Email : slspc@sltnet.lk

Regional Office, Galphelle
Telephone : 081 5634903
Fax : 081 5634902
Email : regionalofficegp@gmail.com