
We bring you the

finest Accomadation

Galphelle Estate Bangalow

Set in Kandy, within 16 km of the Sacred Temple of the tooth relic and this bungalow offers accommodation surround by a greenery tea estate with fresh natural air. The scenic location and landscape of the bungalow made the stay more memorable.

White Corner Guest Bungalow

Set in Kandy, within 30 km of the Sacred Temple of the tooth relic and this bungalow offers accommodation surround by a greenery tea estate with fresh natural air. The scenic location and landscape of the bungalow made the stay more memorable.

Poyangala Guest Bungalow

Set in Kandy, within 30 km of the Sacred Temple of the tooth relic and this bungalow offers accommodation surround by a greenery tea estate with fresh natural air. The scenic location and landscape of the bungalow made the stay more memorable.

Burnside Guest Bungalow

Set in Kandy, within 40 km of the Sacred Temple of the tooth relic and this bungalow offers accommodation surround by a greenery tea estate with fresh natural air. The scenic location and landscape of the bungalow made the stay more memorable.

Contact Us

No. 21, Miraneeya Street,
Colombo 12,
Sri Lanka
Telephone : 011 5757539
Fax : 011 2438635
Email : slspc@sltnet.lk

Regional Office, Galphelle
Telephone : 081 5634903
Fax : 081 5634902
Email : regionalofficegp@gmail.com